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VITICA Wine Protection Consortium - Caserta

The Vitica Consortium was created to protect the Protected designation of origin (PDO) wines of Aversa, Falerno del Massico and Galluccio of the Region of Terre del Volturno and Roccamonfina. It was founded on the 4th of May 2004 and it is the first wine consortium to protect regional wines in Campania to be officially recognised by the Ministry for Agriculture with the Ministerial Decree of 18/01/05.

The Consortium aim is to protect and promote all the companies operating within the wine sector in the Caserta area. From the producers to the bottling companies, the consortium contributes to protect the richness in the local grapes variety and by doing so it protects its thousand years history and tradition. We thrive to market and promote the local wines so that they can narrate the story of a glorious past while being projected into the future.

Our work is focused on the quality improvement of the local grapes. We do this by working together with a wide range of small local wineries representing the rich wealth of diverse local production and by taking into consideration that some of the grapes are only present locally.

Some great examples are: Vitis Hellenica, Aminea Gemina and Vitis Apiana. These precious grapes are thousands of years old and bring us the story of ancient flavours and treasured traditions.

The Consortium main purpose is to help and protect new wineries and old sector operators and by doing so to promote in Italy and abroad our unique and rich wine tradition.